Organa Quadrupla

Heinali describes listening to early music as an almost transcendent experience. While you try to separate the individual voices of the complex polyphonies, consciousness seems to split. In his artistic work, the electronic musician builds a bridge to the present. In recent years, he has created a patch for his modular synthesizer he continually refines. At its core, it hearkens back to the organa of the Notre-Dame school. The instrument is ideal for a translation of these centuries-old compositional methods, Heinali says, because it can in principle generate an endless number of voices. The synthesizer reacts to environmental influences, such as temperature. This makes it an unpredictable partner that ensures constant tension.
At ORF musikprotokoll, Heinali will for the first time distribute the individual voices over several audio channels. This allows the audience to fully immerse themselves in the inner structure of his polyphonic music.
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program
5.10., 19:00
Dom im Berg
8010 Graz ♿
Day pass 5.10., 12/8 euros
World premiere
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program