Prenning’s Garten: Ein Ort des Widerstands
(Prenning’s Garten: A Place of Resistance)

Guided tour, library tour, picnic

In the 1930s, intellectuals who resisted Austrofascism and Nazism met in Prenning, north of Graz. In 2023, a library of resistance is being built here, in Prenningʼs Garten. During a visit with a guided tour of the library and the sculpture garden, followed by refreshments, artists and the owners talk about the history and present use of this special place.

1.10., 11:00

Prenningʼs Garten
Übelbacher Straße 159
8121 Prenning (partly  ♿)

Free shuttle bus to Prenning
Departure: 10:00 (return: 13:00)
Meeting place: Graz main station (bus station)

Registration: tickets [​at​]

Free participation