Thea Soti, Christine Schörkhuber, and Verena Dürr

Thea Soti, Christine Schörkhuber, and Verena Dürr immerse themselves in a joint research project on how stories influence our perception of nature and the narratives with which we confront the planet’s climatic changes, which we as humans cause to a substantial degree. The New Weird literary movement strives for a perspective that includes the vague, the fluid.
How can we express the intangible, the uncanny, the strange we are confronted with in a globalized world? What can be learned from the strange and the weird to confront the ecological transformation processes we face or are already in the midst of? Not only we humans, but all of us! How do we abolish ourselves as the center of the world to see ourselves as part of it, to feel responsible for it again? It is about a practice of becoming permeable, of penetrating, of letting oneself be penetrated, of caring, about communicating with plants, about a cooperation with the “inhuman”—even if and precisely because it is weird.
Produced in the context of a SHAPE+ Residency, commissioned by ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst and Ö1 Kunstradio
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program
5.10.–7.10., 16:30–23:30
Helmut List Halle (foyer)
Waagner-Biro-Straße 98a
8020 Graz ♿
Free admission
Produced in the context of a SHAPE+ Residency, commissioned by ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst and Ö1 Kunstradio
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program