SABIWA and Nathan L.
Island no.16 – Memories of Future Landscapes

With their current album Island no.16 – Memories of Future Landscapes, SABIWA invites listeners on a journey that connects their past with the future. The musical starting point was old recordings, many of which SABIWA made in Taiwan, where she grew up and where she still often returns today. The artist now has her main residence in Berlin. The music sounds as archaic as it is futuristic. “We always look at the past from a future perspective, we are not the same today as we were then,” SABIWA explains when asked. “Island no.16 – Memories of Future Landscapes” also tells of the tense political relationship with China. In the last piece “Hermaphrodite,” you can hear an old song about the time of Japanese colonial rule, which served as a protest song for the Taiwan Independence Party.
Together with Nathan L., SABIWA brings this multi-layered network of relationships to the stage for the first time at ORF musikprotokoll, in an audiovisual performance.
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program
5.10., 20:15
Dom im Berg
8010 Graz ♿
Day pass 5.10., 12/8 euros
World premiere
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program