Grätzelinitiative Margaretenbad
Grätzelradio Meets steirischer herbst
photo: Grätzelinitiative Margaretenbad
The Grätzelradio of the Grätzelinitiative Margaretenbad was created as part of the project STADTTEIL(e) Radio in cooperation with Radio Helsinki. From technicians to the editorial staff, our volunteer radio team is made up of people of various ages and backgrounds. As a “local culture provider,” we also want to bring steirischer herbst and its topics and questions to the streets and the political-public space.
The first broadcast, a kind of “speakersʼ corner” in the context of the Grätzelstraßenfest on 10.9., allows people to freely associate about the festival’s theme. In the second broadcast, this happens in the political-public space during steirischer herbst, as we encourage people to provide answers, thoughts, their own questions, reflections, and much more.
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ʼ23
24.9., 1.10., 8.10., 15:00
Radio Helsinki
Team: Winnie Bergmann, Bibiana Falkenberg, Gerd Juritsch, Bettina Müller
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ʼ23