herbst bars

Four herbst bars with different offers allow visitors to gather at almost any time of the day or night close to most festival locations.

Café Centraal  •  herbst breakfast
Mariahilfer Straße 10
8020 Graz
Fri–Sat 10:00–2:00, Sun–Tue 10:00–00:00

Contra Punto  •  herbst pizza
Kosakengasse 9
8020 Graz
Mon–Sat 11:00–2:00, Sun 11:00–24:00

Feinkost Mild  •  herbst sandwich
Stubenberggasse 7
8010 Graz
Tue–Sat 17:00–00:00

Die Beate  •  herbst drink        
Griesgasse 34
8020 Graz
Thu–Sat 20:00–2:00